




This is an excel document of the Tech within my game. It includes Info Screens, Front End, Move Right, Move Left, Jump, Object Collides, Gravity, Moving Platform, Hovering and Falling Platform, Pit, Artifacts, Spikes, Flame/Spawner, Poison Arrow/Spawner, Sound Effects and iPad Controls. In the document I have wrote notes about how I have put them into game and made them work.

Character movement

Character movement

The image to the right is how I made my character move. To make my character move to the right I made a rule that when the iPad control (touch right) is true, the player will change velocity, the player will move in the direction 0 relative to actor and at the speed of 165. It would also animate when moving, I did this by adding each image of the movement of my character that I had designed and made, once moving it would also play a sound, the sound being footsteps. I also made another rule for when the iPad control (touch right) is false, the player will change velocity, the player will move in direction 0 relative to actor and at the speed of 0. To make my character move left I made a rule that when the iPad control (touch left) is true, the player will change velocity, the player will move in the direction 180 relative to actor and at the speed of 165. It would also animate when moving, I did this by adding each image of the movement that I had designed and made, once moving it would also play a sound, the sound being footsteps. I also made another rule for when the iPad control (touch left) is false, the player will change velocity, the player will move in direction 180 relative to actor and at the speed of 0. To make my character jump, I made a rule that if the iPad control (touch jump) is true, the character will change attribute, “self motion linear velocity” to 450. The 3 different touch controls (right, left and jump) all had the same rule that when the button was pressed, for the right button, I had a rule where it would constrain attribute “game touch right” to 1. For the left button, I had a rule where it would constrain attribute “game touch left” to 1. For the jump button, I had a rule where it would constrain attribute “game touch jump” to 1.

Flame and spawner

Flame and spawner

The image to the left is how I made the flame spawn and kill the character. For the spawner I used the timer and after 5 seconds, the flame actor would spawn in front of actor, in the direction 0 relative to actor, from position 0,34 relative to actor. For the flame actor I used the timer and after 2 seconds, the actor would destroy itself, I also added another rule that when the player collides with the actor  the scene would reset.

Moving Platform

Moving Platform

The image to the right is how I made the moving platforms move across the level. I added a rule that when the actor collides with the big block actor, the actor would change attribute, I set “self rotation” to “self rotation” -180. I also made the actor move, I made the actor move in direction 0 relative to actor in an additive way. I also constrained the actor, “self position y” to 290 for the Feudal Japan level and 232 for the Rome level.




Bug List

Bug List

This is an excel document of the bugs that I found within my game. It includes Jumping, Moving Platform (left/right) and Gravity. I have included information about what the bugs were and what I did to fix these bugs.


The bug I found whilst the character was jumping was that the upwards velocity reset when moving in mid-air. The way I fixed this bug was that I adjusted the gravity, I increased it, this made my character fall back down to the floor faster. I also adjusted how high my character jumps, I decreased the height, this ensured that my character didn’t jump too high in my game and came fell down to the floor a lot quicker too.

The bug I found with the moving platform was that it moved through the blocks instead of colliding with them. The way I fixed this bug was that I put the actor “big block” in the ‘collision objects’ group and put a rule on the moving platform that makes it collide with the “big block”, this made the moving platform collide with the big block and return to the other big block and so on.

The bug I found with the gravity was that my character stayed in the air for far too long. The way I fixed this bug was that I adjusted the gravity on my levels, I adjusted it to Y 850, this made my character fall down to the floor quickly without the character hanging in the air.

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