Critical Reflection

At the start of this project I found myself falling behind and getting distracted by things, this effected the amount of work I produced within the first few weeks, but after getting over that barrier I found myself getting up to date and managing my jobs very well. I was hitting deadlines, I even finished before a few deadlines that I set myself. After inserting different things into my game and changing the rules I kept checking to see if everything worked properly, on a few occasions I found some bugs, but they were easily fixed, I created a job list for the Art side of my game, the logic of my game and the sound of my game, I included deadlines, which were all met, some faster and easier than others. I also created a bug list, I included information on what the bug was and how I fixed the bug.

Considering I had not used Game Salad before, I felt that I did very well to create my game with no major issues. There were a few advanced features that I used within my game, such as using interpolate, but other than this my game went very well and I am really happy and understand how to use Game Salad properly.

I originally intended to make 6 levels in my game but due to time restraints I created 3 levels instead, this were made to a high standard.

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