What Is HTML?

Hyper Text Mark-up Language or HTML for short, is a code or mark-up that creates webpages, HTML is not a programming or scripting language. Browsers can read HTML and then can convert the code into what we understand as a webpage. It is a text based language that can written with a basic text editor such as Notepad. It places elements, such as an image or paragraphs on the page, it can also give the elements an attribute.. HTML is written as tags that are characterised by angled brackets, most tags come in pairs (opening and closing tags), the closing tag is the same as the opening tag but it includes a forward slash.

Basic Tags

<html> this states that the html document starts here.

<head> the head is not the visible part of the webpage but can contain certain information about the page.

<title> Webpage Name </title> the title is an element in the head of the document, it doesn’t appear on the webpage but does appear in the title bar of the browser.

</head> this closes the head section.

<body> Welcome to this website  –  this is what you see on the webpage in a browser  all visible content is placed between the body tags.

</body> end of the body.

</html> end of the html document.

Commonly Used Tags

<p> paragraph

<br/> line break

<h1> through to <h6> heading sizes

<strong> bold

<em> italics

<hr/> horizontal rule/line

<img> image

<a> link

<table> table

<tr> table row

<td> table date/cell

<!—-> hidden comment

&nbsp; – word space

A webpage can be created with basic technology, essentially all you need is a browser and a simple text editor such as notepad, not word as that creates its own html code. Once you’ve inserted the basic codes and put in some content, they need to be viewed in a browser, in order for this to happen the file needs to be saved and given the correct file extension. This means naming the file anything you want and putting “.html” at the end, so it looks like this “filename.html”.

After saving the file, it can be opened in the browser. All you need to do is look for where the file was saved and it should appear as an icon that shows it can be displayed in a broswer, double click it and then the browser and webpage will open.

This is what it looks like when you create a HTML on “WordPad” or “NotePad”.



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