
After the design and art were done for my game, the next thing I needed to add into the game was sound. I needed Menu music, 3 different types of music to fit in with the setting of the level, voice-overs and sound effects.

Before I started to look for the sounds to fit my games, I went on YouTube and looked at Foley Sound effects. Foley is the reproduction of everyday sound effects which are added in pre production to enhance the quality of audio in films, television, video games and radio.

After researching about the different things that I could use to create different sounds to add different effects, I tried many different things to get the correct sound effect that I needed to get the perfect sound effect for what happens within my game.

To give of the effect of wood breaking, I snapped a stick in half; I used this sound effect when my character jumped on the unstable plank in the Greek Shipwreck level. Another sound I used in my game was the sound of flesh being cut through, to give of this effect, I used a knife to cut through a chicken leg; this sound is used for when my character gets hit by a poison arrow or hits the spikes. I also needed to give the sound effect of an object being picked up, to do this I loudly picked up a piece of cardboard; this sound is used for when my character picks up one of the three relics. Another sound I used within my game was the sound of footsteps, as I was searching on a program called Garage Band on the Apple Mac, I came across a sound of footsteps, so that is the sound that I used for when my character walks.

Then I had to find different music for the different levels within my game, to do this I used Garage Band on the Apple Mac. For the main menu and credits I used the “travel” music, this was because it fitted in with how I wanted my game to come across as, it is fast pumping and is quite jazzy. For the Feudal Japan level I used the “lotus” music, this was because the music sounds Japanese and fits in well with the level. The music I used for the Greek Shipwreck level was “scuba diving breathing” the reason I used this was because my level was set underwater and my character wears a scuba diving helmet. The last level which is set it Rome was quite difficult to find the correct genre of music to fit in with the level, so I had a look on YouTube and found some Ancient Rome music, that had been created by historians and archaeologists to get the correct sound, so I sourced the music and it fitted in really well with my level.

For the voice of my character I asked another student, Sam Russell, if he would do the voice of my character as he is really good at doing different accents. We tried different accents and eventually chose a posh, well spoken accent for my character; it fitted in really well with how my character was presented.

The Different Sounds Within The Game

The Different Sounds Within The Game

The image on the left is all the different sounds and music that I used within my game and the type of file they are (OGG or M4A).













This is an excel document for the sound within my game. It includes Voice Over, Footsteps, Stabbing sound, Wood breaking, Picking up objects, Main Menu music, Japan Music, Greek Shipwreck Music and Rome Music. I have included information about how I recorded the sound and how I made them.





Screen shot of converting a specific audio to oggThe image to the left is how I converted the audio of a stabbing noise from an mp3 sound to OGG. I recorded the sound using my phone, I then edited the audio using Adobe Audition, I cut some of the sound out and made it louder. I then saved the audio as an OGG file, this allowed me to add it into my game, I used this sound when my character hits spikes or gets hit by an arrow. The way I made this sound was I cut into a piece of chicken and it gave off the sound effect of flesh being cut.




Screen shot of converting the audio to m4aThe image to the right is how I converted the audio of the Feudal Japan music from MP3 to M4A. I got the music from Garage Band on the Apple Mac, it is called “lotus”. I saved it as a mp3 file and went online to find a website which converts audio files. I chose the Feudal Japan Music and converted it into an M4A file, this allowed the music to be played within my game. This music is used for the Feudal Japan level in my game.







Screen Shot 2013-03-26 at 10.00.42The image to the left is how I found the sound for my Greek Shipwreck level. I used GarageBand on the Apple Mac to find the sound, I looked at different categories for the sound and when I clicked on the “FX” category, I found a sound “Scuba breathing” the sound was a scuba diver breathing underwater, this fitted in really well with my Greek Shipwreck level, as the level was underwater and my character was wearing a scuba diving helmet.  After choosing this sound I saved it as an mp3 file and then had to convert it to an m4a file, in order for the music to played within my game.




To listen to some of the sounds that I used in my game go to this page

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